Monday, January 28, 2008

Life as it is now.

so far, life has been treating me okay. eventhough i still don't think im living my life to the fullest, but it is the nice strolling kinda pace which i am enjoying.

so far, i have fulfilled one of my new year resolutions by attending a new church, and not only that, i have begun to attend cell group meetings. we will see how it goes. this church is very bladder-unfriendly and that's all im gonna say.

so far, i have been having recurring dreams of me watching my friends play with balloons in an apothecary. very random and weird.

so far, i am learning pretty well to deal with this pain. rather now than letting it resurface later.

so far, i have been told countless times that im still very much the same person i was back in high school. but i think i grew less shameless over the years lol and a little too outspoken for my own good heee.

so far, i haven't decided to go UK for my masters or to stay and slave myself for an audit firm or only start working when i get over to aus.

so far, i like my life.


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